Hello World

After my third or fourth failed attempts at creating an alter ego of some sort either via a separate social media account or a blog to share things I wouldn’t normally share on my personal accounts, i am yet again giving it another shot but this time through a different approach thanks to this ‘How to Start a Successful Blog in 2020’ article by Joshua Fields Millburn JFM of TheMinimalist.
I’ve always wanted a start a blog to share my observations and perspective about different subjects and document interesting events that occurred or are yet to occur during my existence on earth.
To start a blog, TheMinimalist suggest you avoid grandiosity. That is, “Your first blog post needn’t be a grandiose mission statement. And your first blog post doesn’t have to be a vapid, self-involved introduction to your blog.” JFM wrote, “Instead, find one thing that interests you today and write about that.“
But for solid reasons (I think), here I go starting a blog with a grandiose introductory blog post. Here’s why: Blogging is a process and people begin this process differently. This first article helps me, and readers articulate and communicate what exactly I want to do with NotWithStanding.
This would be a reference that reminds me every day why I started in the first place, to never to go out of context.
I like to share my thoughts. I used to do this at a blog i founded in the previous years but my opinion and 2 cents about anything were limited to just tech news. Other ideas i had about different things occupied my mind and when the energy was there, i shared them on my medium blog or simply never brought them to life because i was too busy writing tech news.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with writing tech news, i liked it and was above average at doing it but the disadvantage is i never really had time to write anything else.
Long story short, i quit my tech blog and other creative activities to focus on a business I inherited from my dad and working as second in charge behind my mum. (More details about this shortly)
Although i earn zero salaries or allowance just yet, I like my new career focus. I learn on the job every day and it seems promising. But unsurprisingly, i still have this burning passion for writing and creating beautiful content. This blog was born out of this burning desire.
So, here’s the verdict – while running the business, during my spare time I’d write about an interesting idea I have and share at least once every week.
Why I’m I doing this?
I like reading, i enjoy it and therefore i feel compelled to write. I see writing as a mental exercise to expand my vocabulary and to communicate better and a better way to improve on everything else there is to write – From business emails and text messages to resume and presentation.
Writing allows me to seek discomfort, to research more, learn more, explore and to live life intentionally. I feel someone out there needs to hear what i have to say!
P.S: I documented the process of creating this blog on this Twitter thread, feel free to check it out if you’d want to create your blog in the future or share with someone who wants to.